Just Cook with Sally

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Lettuce Rolls

Lettuce Rolls: A Dieter’s Right Choice

Lunch while on a diet can seem a bit tedious: salad, salad, and more salad. Enter lettuce rolls, which add interest while also being low-carb, high-protein, quick, and easy. There is something inherently fun about choosing a combination of ingredients and rolling them into wrap. This recipe relies on leftover grilled beef tenderloin but you can easily substitute chicken, shrimp, salmon, tuna, or tofu. Include fresh herbs if you have them. Best of all, these rolls can be assembled on a pretty cutting board and eaten straight from it. 

Lettuce Rolls

Serves 1
Approximately 300 calories, 18.6 grams fat, 15.8 grams protein, 9.5 net grams carbs

3 ounces grilled tenderloin
1/4 avocado
1/3 cucumber, peeled
slices of red onion or green onions
10 Bibb or romaine lettuce leaves
fresh basil, mint, or cilantro stems and leaves (optional)

Dipping Sauce

1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon sweet chile sauce
1 teaspoon sambal or Sriracha
juice from half of a lime

  1. Thinly slice the tenderloin lengthwise. Slice avocado, cucumber, and onion. Make mounds on your cutting board and place lettuce leaves at the end.

  2. Make dipping sauce by combining all ingredients in a small bowl. Place a small spoon in the bowl and set on the cutting board.

  3. Assemble rolls as you wish, using a dribble of sauce on the lettuce before piling on the goodies.